katie ellen

Kalita Wave Ice Drip Method

The summer is upon us and with that brings the need for a good cup of ice coffee. For our next video we will be brewing with a pour over method straight onto ice with a Kalita Wave Dripper. This method is also known as "Japanese style" or "Flash Brew" if you want to dig around the internet for similar recipes.

As with all of our videos and recipes, we're offering a starting point for you to confidently find your favorite tasting cup of coffee from your own home. Toying around with the recipe and various coffees is encouraged!

Single Origin - Costa Rica La Joya Finca Gravilias
Little Amps Coffee Roasters - Harrisburg, PA

Brew Method: Stainless Steel Kalita Wave Dripper
Dose: 25g
Grind Size: 17 on Baratza Encore or Medium/Fine
40-70g initial water with 45 second bloom
30g Pulse method until desired final weight

Video shot & edited by: Adam Peditto
Music: Houses into Homes by Katie Ellen

Read up/Find locations/or have Little Amps Coffee delivered right to you here
Find a Kalita Wave here

The next video in our Coffee at Home series to point people in the right direction for making a good cup at home. The summer is upon us and with that brings the need for a good cup of ice coffee.